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These rules are very important to this group please try to follow them the best you can thank you.

1. No bad mouthing members of this organization or any groups.

2. No flirting or goofing off in the meetings and no emotes please.

3. All members must at least say hello to other members in the chat room and show respect.

4. If u see a member that isn't on your list then please add them.

5. No booting unless u have a good reason and you will be asked to explain what happened.

6. If you have a problem you need to contact one of the leaders or co leaders.

7. You must call a meeting when you quit the organization and delete your id when you leave the group that shows respect to us and to you.

8. All members are to attend at least 1 meeting per month if not then you need to leave a message with co leaders or leader on why you cant attend if u don't let someone know you will be written up.

9. If anyone gets caught using another group members id you will be a lamer.

10. You will need to check the web site out at least once a week to make updates of new members.

11. You may use a nickname in your profile although it shouldn't be anything degrading to you or the group.

12. If for any reason u want to change your id u need to contact the leaders or co leaders before u do so.

13. ABSOLUTELY no one is to be under another persons id.

14. Please try to use your nite warriors id as much as possible.

15. Please no perverted rooms are to be made we do have teens in this group thank you.

16. Please try to respect people in the group and others thank you

17. There is going to be a 90 day probation period for all new members.

18. If you leave the organization and want to come back you have 90 days to do so. you have to get in contact with master or the co leaders.

19. There is to be no trouble caused by a nite warriors when entering a chat room unless they start on you first.

20. WE are not a group or clan we will not tolerate the ones that act like we are. We are a organization of members that are considered family

21. If you don't follow the rules you will be written up. there is going to be a three strike rule if u get wrote up three times you are out of the organization .
No this isn't meaning that we as leaders co-leaders is going to write u up for everything we aren't. we have to have rules to go by if we didn't then it would be total confusion

22. In conjunction with Rule # 17 and 18......... There may come a time or reason before that 90 days is up that there comes a need to move you up in posistion and anyone who has a problem with that needs to take into consideration the reasons and purposes of the move ups.
23. For a member to be moved  up there will be votes. The leader and co leaders will put those ids to the membership for the vote in an open meeting. We may ask your opinion for nominations but not nessasarally.

We have a site for news in the group and meeting info. the

      link for the site is

please check it often