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hope you find what you are looking for some of the links past this page are not ours and we are not responsible for any thing you might see or any thing that might happen to you 

so just be careful of what you click on or what you may down load this is for your protection 

If any of the links don't work or have been taken down please contact me and they will be removed

These are our home page links







just click the buttons to go to the links

Of course my link is first this is the first html site I ever built and I think I did a damn good job on it.

This is a good download to get software and games and lots more. from zdnet

This is a good place to get more downloads from download .com

This is soft the top software site I haven't really checked it out yet.

This  is a site to report internet crimes such as hacking and cracking. this works yahoo some times don't do nothing but these people do.

This is a cool protection site to help you protect your self from hackers Trojans and virus.

This is a really cool site and has a lot of pics and funny shit on it even has videos and some software down loads.

This is a site that suppose to have some yahoo booters that work I have checked them out and I don't see where they get that they work cause I tried some of them and got no results but the anti boots seem to work pretty good.

This one is for yahoo every one puts yahoo down saying they hate it but yet they stay on it that don't make no since to me yahoo is a really good messenger yeah it has its problems at times but you got to figure you never do get much for free so thank you yahoo for all that you give every one for free.

This one is for all the people who don't mind talking to some one from another country and waiting 5 damn minutes for your message to receive the person you are  sending it to and those who don't mind being hacked all the time I think this messenger really sucks but that's up to you to decide its on icq

This is nite_warriors_ct_flame first html site he built and is a proud and devoted member.

This is nite_warriors_windstorms site she is my sister and is a devoted member.

This is nite_warriors_babegirl and is my niece and is another devoted member.

This is nite_warriors_dino_might site and is a good devoted member.


Some really kewl poems are available here.


This is the best place on the net to get desktop themes that I ever seen.

This is a site to check see how long you are going to live dont let it scare you I think its just a joke.

This is a site you can play games and people and they claim you can win money I am not sure on that but some of the games are fun.

This is a site that has some cool games but they are just trial games.

Here is the best place for you to buy me a bike hint hint.

This is one of the best places on the net to build a free site. 

This is a awesome site it has a lot of free stuff t-shirts and mouse pads and lots more and really works from what I have seen and received from exploring this site.

Have you heard that you cant buy hemp any where I have heard that but I believe it isn't true check this link.

Good place to buy just about anything you want.